Now now…I know what’s on your dirty little minds. Nope, we’re a innocent and pure little motorcycling club/site. 😀

Instead, in a break from the usual weekend jaunts to Malaysia, consider a fly-ride-fly trip! Something that Kruzer would probably not consider doing in the near future! 😛

“A what?!” you may ask. A fly-ride-fly is just a fancy term to for travellers who wishes to fly to a destination, indulge in their love of motorcycle travel and flying back home. Real simple. All you have to do is book your plane ticket, rent a motorbike at your destination and off you go. Of course, I’m over-simplifying here but you get my drift.

It isn’t practical for working professionals to take long leaves of absence to travel. Singapore employers haven’t reach that level of sophistication to allow their employees to take even a few weeks off. Just compare that to some Western employers who allow their staff to go on unpaid absences for up to a year. Hell, even mothers going on maternity leave in Singapore are discriminated against!

There are also ample reasons to take a flight to nearby countries for that “dream” ride. Indeed, Asia has some of the best riding areas in the world with beautiful mountains in Northern Thailand and Vietnam, cultural diversity in China, rainforests in Sabah and the dusty roads of Laos.

A major setback, though, is the lack of familiarity. Some crave it when travelling while some prefer to go into the unknown. It all really depends on your level of comfort, whether you can afford those extra couple of days stranded in the mountains or do not mind using sign language to communicate with the locals.

As for me, I crave flexibility and freedom but yet worry about the unknowns. Proper planning should alleviate some of that worry. Or at least that was what I did when me and Rach went solo to Northern Thailand last year. Alternatively, hire a guide. Local knowledge (of both culture, language and people) could, logically speaking, give you so much more in your trip. I was sure I would have found out more about the various settlements we past by in Northern Thailand if we had someone knowledgable with us.

OF course, pure talk and no experience doesn’t give any weight to this article. To walk the talk, I’ll be heading off to Hanoi, Vietnam for such an experience. The research so far seems promising. I hope that when I come back, I’ll be sharing more good stuff with you.

In the meantime, let me share the experience so far with the guide I have engaged in Vietnam for such a trip. Offroad Vietnam.

They seemed to be a huge agency running lots of tour services but motorcycle travel seem to be their thing. The responses I’ve been getting via emails have also been very prompt and they really do write good English! The thing that really took the cake, Offroad Vietnam added me in Facebook. How’s that for accountability? heh.

Till then, have fun researching for your next travel and do share them with us!


The Pub (licity) Man

If you have any posts you wish to put up and share, contact us and we’ll do it up asap!

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Written by Kenny

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haha. That’s right! Riding, in my opinion, should be about the place and your experience, not your bike. I’m open to any Kruzer to join me if you can! 🙂

TakeHow Gan

Hey, I thought you wanna ship de yammie to Europe or Indon for some ride? Anyway, this one sound’s more realistic, esp with the super-saving air-fares by a numbers of budget airlines. Of coz, it would be diff kind of context, it’s more abt the ride instead of ‘how great is ur bike’.. hehe.. = )

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