05 Jan 2008
by Kenny
The Cheerfull Ladies In Kruzer
Oh, how the heavens poured as Kruzer celebrated her 3rd Anniversary at the retrolicious OldSchool @ Mount Sophia!
big rain, more arrivals!
As the rains drizzled, the old memories flowed as hundreds of pictures helped members reminisce on all the trips Kruzer has organized in 2007.
This was truly an occasion meant to not only to celebrate the club’s 3rd birthday, but also to an occasion to reflect on the wondrous trips the Kruzer family has gone through in the past year.
A total of 10 trips, including 5 long-haul trips, have helped fellow Kruzer members gain valuable experience on foreign roads while also enjoying the scenic and fun stop-overs along the way in the safest and most practical way possible.
raymond waiting to see his picture
Indeed, the camaraderie built over the trips was so strong that the heavy rains failed to dampen the Kruzers and many arrived soaking wet!
Shaking off the rains, members were treated to a host of freebies, including our first ever calendar set!
unlike the national day packs, we dun have axe oil
Featuring pictures that were taken over the past year, they described, more than words can ever put forth, the emphasis Kruzer have placed on new experiences, attention to details and the need to conserve Nature. The nature-centric trips, that Kruzer are famous for, have introduced to members Malaysia’s vast diversity of wildlife and natural wonders.
Aptly, tikam tikam and animal paper crafts (courtesy of Yamaha) were handed out to members to relive their school days, back before they were even allowed to even get their motorcycle license! For the not so art-inclined, 800 over pictures of 2007 trips were readily gobbled up and much laughter echoed over the deafening raindrops.
Along with a hearty dinner, a slideshow and video presentation was screened, chronicling the places where Kruzer rubber was burned. It was from many of these trips that nicknames and insider jokes were bestowed upon many a member, epitomising the family spirit of the club.
As the sky grew dark and the warm glow of the lights came on, several members were honoured, garnering the most Klick points among members. A great big congratulation to the winners: Kelvin (Penguin), William Tan and Tony Xu! They have managed to accumulate over 10,000km between the 3 of them!!
No decent event would leave out a lucky draw and indeed, many hungry eyes feasted on the top prize of an Rjays Octane jacket. So many eyes have pierced the jacket that, somehow, a mysterious hole was found in the plastic cover! Our jacket got fingered! Besides that, there were assortments of gifts, including those from Biketech21, who have graciously sponsored many gifts (including two $50 dollars vouchers) without batting an eyelid!!
It was gracious of the shop and its owner, Mr Shah Oli, and Kruzer is very thankful to receive such a strong show of support from Biketech21.
Such acts of graciousness was also not lost on the Kruzer family as the top prize was drawn out. Ticket number K021 was the lucky number and the owner of the ticket, Sean, had to leave early to attend his son’s birthday celebration in Malaysia. In a humbling act of generosity, it was unanimously decided that it should be rightfully his and should not be re-drawn.
Kruzer is a family indeed. Many thanks and cheers to all who made it happen. And may the new year bring only good tidings!!
Ride on!
Kenny Phang
Publicity Manager
Photo Links

Nice event! Despite the rain, the event went on! Just like our rides … Rain or Shine, we ride!
Thanks Kenny for the wonderful write-up!!!