Thanks to all who turned out for the launch of the new Kruzer Website. We certainly hope you like the new clean look of the website!
Special thanks to Joanna, whose recommendation of the platform, sacrificing time for meetings and patient coaching of the 3 stooges (Isaac, Tony and me) on the platform helped in the realization of this website.
Pleasantly surprised at the larger than expected turnout, the Club President, Isaac Chan, gave a quick roundup of the initiatives taking place this year. This includes a regular feature since the start of the year, R.E.S .
Ride.Eat.Slack (RES) rides was first coined as it became apparent that more and more members are getting wound up in their worklife, leaving precious little time to reflect and enjoy themselves. These rides are typically one day rides (although we just had a 2 day one – see Kruzer @ Silk Bay) to nearby places in Malaysia to do just that. Relax.
Kruzer PicK was also something we had always wanted to do as photography became a huge hit with our members as a complimentary hobby. The proliferation of photosharing and social websites gave people a reason to shoot and share what they did during the weekend. As the quality of the photos got better, a healthy competition with themes would enable members to see Kruzer trips in a different light.
Finally, not totally unrelated to photographs, the idea of a yearly photo review book of Kruzer rides have also been bandied around in recent times. Having a solid book to hold with ride photos and commentary would certainly bring back memories of the year that has past…and the decision was pretty unanimous.
We have raised the bar with the new webbie launch and ideas we want for the club. But we couldn’t do it without YOU.
More good times ahead!
Kenny, the Pub (licity) man

A great revamp of this site, giving it a much refreshed appeal to it…
Cheers to the great bunch who made it happen!!
Yo all,
I think KRUZER is going very well, getting better and better each year.
Thanks to all the committed people in the committee 🙂
Without your time and efforts, member like me would not be able to enjoy the fruits of your hardwork!
I will continue to show my support by other means haha….Cheers!