There was no lack of descriptive words to those who came up to the swimming pool. But the best word to sum up the views of many is simple enough, “Beautiful”.
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But first: Breakfast!

Coffee Time baby yeah!

You don’t ride with an empty stomach – so said a wise motorcycling sage. Dim Sum, Kolo Mee and Wanton Mee
Only a quick 2 hours away from the 2nd Link, Tanjung Sutera (Silk Bay in Malay) is really a hidden gem in all sense of the word. With its entrance right beside a little plantation road, it’s nestled in the quaint corner of Sedili Besar, away from the jetty where fishermen launched their boats in search for the day’s catch.

Yup. We’re near the tip of the d*ck.
It’s also only about 80km away north of Desaru, with the road (Hwy 95) that line up next to the shoreline looking out to the South China Sea. Riders looking for a yummy dinner can head on down to Kg. Sungei Rengit to savour the ever so popular lobsters.
No lobsters? check out the chickens!
A hike by the beach was still almost 3 hours away, so after a light lunch, a dip into the pool seemed the most natural thing to do in the sweltering heat! With a panoramic view of the sky and sea, all the pool lacked was a poolside bar.
The pool with dark skies looming!
This is how relaxing should be like – The Leong Way
This is what life is all about.
Making do with beer by the poolside, by now, everyone had dipped into the pool or at least get themselves a nice burn on the skin. Ironically, the heavy clouds had slowly gathered and when it was time to go for a walk along the beach, it poured like a pent up bladder on full flow.
Still, we wouldn’t have minded since the pool would be much diluted. Indeed, the only complaint about the whole place is the excessive amount of chlorine in that pool, enough explanation for much of the bloodshot eyes around.
Painful eyes and big breaths….
While some headed back to the rooms to grab some shut eye, a group of us finally managed to set off an hour from the intended time and the walk did not disappoint at all.
The rock formations along the shore are truly captivating. Picking your steps, one would have to take care not to get your feet wedged between the sharp rocks and its many protrusions.

The solid rocks also caused many pools of water to be trapped during a low tide and it’s actually common to see fishes trapped in these pools when the tides withdraw suddenly!

Looking for trapped fishes, crabs and other dumb crustaceans…..
Group Pic!
Before long, some eagled eyed ones among us started noticing the colourful sea shells embedded in the sand, which started to really slow us down since everyone wants to have a share of their favourite seashells. Some of the shells have been left with the waves for so long that they have well rounded edges and some of the shells have exposed sides, allowing us a peek into the intricate designs of Mother Nature.
The shells are so worn, they exposed their internals…
While the girls and some boys were picking shells, the boys were skimming stones! What childhood fun!
Before long, the itches on the foot started to get worse. Even in movement, sand flies managed to squeeze in a bite or two that is to become worse in the coming days.
The shore ends but the gruelling walk begins…
When the walk was finally over, it would have been almost 3 hours later! And that included a highly demoralizing walk back to our resort, after realising that our planned transport back wasn’t available. In fact, when some of us came back to the resort again, we took a quick wash and jumped right into the pool for the chlorine to eat away at the itchy sand fly bites and cool us straight down to the pre-walk relaxed mode.
The beachwalkers couldn’t resist…
waiting for dinner..grrhh
Dinner was heavily anticipated. Growling stomachs at the thought of a night of barbequed food beckons and with a 3 hour walk, we felt the primal urge to gorge. The food wasn’t overly fantastic but gorged we did. But even then, we had to stop the staff from BBQ some more food when we couldn’t carry on any further! They had bought so much food that could have fed twice our numbers!
The queue starts but as they soon find out, they were unable to outeat what was indented!
and Joanna is proud of her food….
With the chilly night (all thanks to the heavy downpour earlier in the afternoon) and our sore legs propped up on the chair, the muscles started to get into a rhythmic vibe lulling us to a blissful night of snores. Then….we realised we still have a couple of beers left to finish. Excited at the prospect of an even better night’s sleep, we adjourned to a little wooden shelter with tatami-like mats and a wooden table set in the centre.
Chilly night and good company…
In a night of friendly chatter, Ivan, a friend of Isaac’s who drove and joined Kruzers for the first time asked a simple yet hard to answer question.
“How do you guys spend so much time on your bike and yet don’t feel so tired? What makes you want to do so many hours on the road?”
Simple yet I’m stumped. There are just so many things that click but I find it so hard to answer.
Thoughts went fleeting from answer to answer: Maybe it’s the ride. The feeling of wind in the face is just so darn relaxing. A pretty way to unwind in the weekend.
Or maybe it’s the company. Lousy jokes, drinking buddies, clowns masquerading as riders all combine to induce the type of crazy laughter you would probably never experience in the past week in the office.
Or perhaps, it could be the reflective and meditative mood when cruising down the roads as it clears the crowded mind. I mean, have you ever experienced an “eureka” moment to a problem that may have been plaguing you for weeks? I know I have, and the time spent reflecting on the bike liberates me from the daily drudgery of life’s little problems if I were to stay in Singapore for that weekend.
Or perhaps….
Before I thought any further, the beer came….and that was all I remember of the night…
The last scene before the night ends……
Morning passed too and being too tired, I stole a couple more minutes of sleep before realising we better got going for breakfast. We got an organic farm to visit today!
After a hearty breakfast and bidding adieu to the resort owners, we headed straight to Kluang for an organic break. But things aren’t so simple when we got a hungry durian crazy leader leading the pack.
All of different shapes and sizes!
The Zenxin Organic Farm serves a variety of produces which are organically grown. But to me, it’s got a really huge restaurant space for us to fill up our stomachs and rest the tired spirits after the ride. Besides serving a variety of fruit juices, their star attraction has got to be the dragon fruit juices and products.
Even the fly knows what’s good for him
The dragon fruit farm!
And its many inhabitants!
Undoubtedly, organically grown as half of their farm is devoted to the dragon fruit. The restaurant also serves up quite a surprising range of cooked food and we had our fill before continuing on that last stretch back to Singapore.
Rushy and Bikies at ZenXin Organic Farm
The rain had failed to dampen the spirits as we got back to GP Esso, with the sun still out! Another Kruzer first…..
In all, the resort stay was one real relaxing ride. Apart from escaping the heat of the city, we had beach walks, long dips in the pool, long chats and a recharged mind for the rest of the week….
Till the next Ride,