“When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive – to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.” – Marcus Aurelius
Breathing the fresh air, thinking about breakfast, enjoy the quietness and loving the tranquility at Fraser’s, I woke up feeling rejuvenated, revitalized, and mostly – hungry.
So braving the morning fog and chilly weather, my partner and I headed to the resort’s cafeteria for breakfast. Isn’t it beautiful how the morning fog sits on the quiet town of Fraser’s Hill?
Arriving at 8:30am, we were surprised to see that most of the Kruzers were in the midst of having their breakfast. Glancing at the leftovers at the buffet table, I concluded that the early bird really catches the worm!
After which, we headed back to our rooms to pack our belongings before leaving the resort. Couldn’t help but notice the misty clouds outside our balcony. It’s truly a tranquil sight; one we don’t get to see back in Singapore.
And like how all good things don’t last long, we moved off from Fraser’s Hill at approximately 1:30pm. Goodbye cool weather and fresh air!
While twisting down the new route from Fraser’s Hill, we passed by this bridge which made me recall the lyrics of Misty Morning, Albert Bridge:
Arriving at the famous Fraser’s Hill signboard which was also our regroup location, the group waited for the other riders like yours truly, who detoured to another part of Fraser’s Town to post our Kruzer Postcards.
After several loops and bends, we stopped by another scenic spot at Bukit Frasers to regroup and catch a breather.
Led by our hunger and eagerness for some delicious Bak Kut Teh, we continued our journey to the lunch venue.
After an hour, and several minor traffic built-ups, we finally arrived at our lunch venue; one which I personally favour because of their tasty Wet Bak Kut Teh.
So as usual, the folks in my table agreed to order a set which comprises of several dishes like Steamed Fish, Chicken drumlets, Stir-fried beansprouts,Dry Bak Kut Teh, Wet Bak Kut Teh, and other delicious dishes. I bet you must be salivating at the pictures now!
By the time we finished our late lunch, it was almost dusk. Suffice to say, we had a glimpse of the poetic sunset en route home.
Along the way, I decided to keep myself awake by practicing some road photography. Check out my subject – Phyo – who waves hello to the camera.
By the time we reached Pagoh R&R – our second last fuel stop – it was about about 8pm. Here, a poll was done to find out who wanted to have dinner first before going back, or who wanted to head home directly. As you can see from the picture above, it seemed like a very serious discussion. But trust me, that’s what the Black & White effect does to your photographs – make things look serious.
Before we went our separate ways, we regrouped at the road shoulder of the highway after our turnoff towards second link Tuas.
While most of the group headed straight home, a group of us rode to our current favorite Friday hangout for dinner.
You might think that we’d be tired after traveling 400 over kilometers. But check out our friend Chow, who smiles cheekily at the camera while wiping out the rest of the noodles. Tired? I let out a soft chuckle.
I’m kidding. Well, after traveling 400km+, we are bound to get some saddle sores, let out a few contagious yawns, and inherit a sluggish disposition. But having conquered the winding roads of Fraser’s Hill while noticing a drop in temperatures, a beer or two while engaging in a lively conversation with fellow Kruzers, breakfast amidst the clouds – it’s totally worth it.
Till then folks!
PS: The next long trip will be on the 28th March.
PPS: If shorter trips are of your preference, the upcoming trip to Malacca on the 18th February might interest you.

Well written series of articles! Great to see such enthusiasm!